Experience the Powerful Vibrations of Music with Cynthia Konopka
The Medicine for the Soul & Healing for the Being Through Cynthia’s Musical Frequency Activations
A Three Part Method created through specific Frequencies, a full spectrum of Vibrations and Channeled Music.
Bringing you back to the Self
To Your own unique Soul Blueprint
To the Truth of your Essence
“The soul knows exactly where it is going. It has already arrived”
- Cynthia Konopka
Whether you desire to
Bring your Soul Mission Alive & authentically express your unique Divine gifts
To gain more clarity around your business, relationships, yourself, or specific areas that you desire to explore
Or clear out stagnant energy and activate dormant DNA, leaving you to vibrate at a higher frequency right down to the cellular level
"The Soul knows exactly where it is going ~ it has already arrived"
- Cynthia Konopka